So, if you’re looking to expand your knowledge on PVC fittings, read on! In this guide, we’ll outline all the major types as well as their functions and possible applications.

The following is a comprehensive list of the most commonly used PVC fittings.

Each entry contains a short description of the fitting and the possible uses as well as applications for it. PVC tee fittings feature three ends two that are in a straight line and another on the middle/side that’s at a perpendicular (90-degree) angle. They resemble the shape of the letter “T” hence their name and they help connect three pipes at right angles. They allow you to split a mainline into two separate lines with a connection that’s at a 90-degree angle – that’s one inlet and two outlets, with the outlets positioned at 90-degree to the inlet (mainline connection). They are also often used to connect two lines (secondary pipes) into one main line – combine two inlets into one outlet.